Cheering Post Employees at VICE Approve a Deal to Shorten Hours, Increase Pay
By Rob Callahan Post-production employees of VICE Media have voted overwhelmingly to ratify a new 3-year union agreement that dramatically […]
By Rob Callahan Post-production employees of VICE Media have voted overwhelmingly to ratify a new 3-year union agreement that dramatically […]
Jennifer started with the Guild in 2005 as an Organizer in the Los Angeles office, and then moved to New York to serve as the Guild’s Eastern Region Field Representative in 2007. […]
“It’s very important for editors, producers, show-runners and the department heads to take a close look at their own crews.” […]
Many members paid particularly close attention to the upcoming Basic Agreement talks, the first since the contentious negotiations in 2018 in which the Editors Guild, alone among IA locals, voted down the proposed contract. […]
“What does our union ever do for us?” This is a question I’ve been asked on various occasions. […]
The website will be taken offline from December 11-13 to implement the changes. It will be the first major overhaul since a new generation website was introduced in the Spring of 2017. […]
“We are indeed facing an unprecedented crisis, certainly unlike anything our union has ever had to endure,” Guild leaders wrote. […]
“This work is essential in representing our membership,” Scott George and Paul Moore said. […]
“It might be helpful to look at a calendar and use a finger on each hand to point to the days in question.” […]
“I am absolutely convinced that we are far better off with a union than without one.” […]
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