By Cathy Repola
There are times when words are inadequate. This is one of those times, as I struggle to find words to express many feelings as I head toward retirement from the Guild on January 31. First off, working for the Guild has been a deeply profound honor on so many levels.
What’s been most important to me throughout my career has been the ability to be an advocate for our members in the best of times and the worst of times. As demanding as the job has been, I have tried to never forget the needs of our members on a day-to-day basis. You, the members, have always informed my goals, my desires, and my hopes to make the union a better place for all of you. I wish each of you the best, both personally and professionally.
What I will miss most is the people. I have developed a lot of relationships with so many of you and those relationships have meant the world to me. As well as to our members, I am saying farewell to our Guild staff. Some I have worked with for a very long time, some for shorter periods, but no matter the duration, the staff is like a second family to me. One can’t easily say goodbye to people who have meant that much to you. I express my deepest, heartfelt gratitude to all my coworkers who over the years have made the experience of working for the Editors Guild extraordinary.
Having spent so much time in the board room at the Guild offices in Hollywood, I have to thank all those members who have served on our board of directors over the years. We debated, discussed, agreed, disagreed — but all of those directors always acted with the common goal of doing what was in the best interest of the majority of the members and the Guild at large. Working that closely together, that regularly, creates bonds that cannot be duplicated.
I have faced many challenges during my tenure as National Executive Director. Our stance against the 2018 Basic Agreement, I have been told repeatedly, sparked a new wave of member engagement.
We were able to face and successfully survive the effects of a worldwide pandemic. We grappled with member disappointment over the 2021 Basic Agreement negotiations — and taking stock of that disappointment, we learned from it and implemented changes as a result. And our negotiations this year were successful because of those changes.
Of course, while my tenure here may be ending, the challenges will not be. The work stoppage last year — resulting initially from the industry-wide dual strikes, but gradually manifesting as an outgrowth of deeper industrywide problems — presented us with new setbacks. The hope we held for a return to something resembling full employment levels is continuing to be tested. We are facing some harsh realities due to the lack of sufficient employment.
The issues caused by the contraction of work, as well as the impacts from evolving technology, are not disappearing any time soon. But I believe, if we come together, stay together, and continue to take every proactive step available to us, to think outside the box, to always self-examine as a union, we will adapt to and overcome those challenges. Accepting uncertainty isn’t always comfortable but we must be open to change. We must imagine and build for the future. With all of this instability, the board made a wise choice in selecting Scott George as my successor. The continuity for the staff, the board initiatives, the membership, and the union overall is vital for the future.
While I am stepping away from my day-to-day duties, at my deepest core I will never stop caring about this union and about all of you members.
Many of us who do this type of work say that it “gets in your blood.” I was born with this work in my blood but didn’t realize it until I became a shop steward more than 35 years ago. Now, having worked for this union for 32 years, I realize the work has taken a place in my heart. It would be impossible for me to retire without continuing to be deeply invested in the members and the future of this guild.
When I take my last step outside of the Guild office, I expect I will feel a mix of emotions. Until then, I will reflect on my gratitude for the opportunity to serve our members. I sincerely thank you.