Cathy’s Column: A Fond Farewell From the National Executive Director
By Cathy Repola There are times when words are inadequate. This is one of those times, as I struggle to […]
By Cathy Repola There are times when words are inadequate. This is one of those times, as I struggle to […]
Now, all these months later, we have new contracts overwhelmingly ratified by members, which I am confident will improve pay and working conditions for our union members. More than 76% of Local 700 members voted, and of those, 92% voted to ratify the new contract. […]
by A.J. Catoline As they set out from Los Angeles to the annual IATSE convention in Lake Tahoe, the elected […]
“The bulk of our members feel worried that their jobs will be impacted within the next three years by some form of emerging technology, artificial intelligence” as indicated in our local survey, said National Executive Director Cathy Repola. She hailed the creation of the Guild’s Emerging Technology Committee, created by the Board of Directors in 2022. […]
By Guild Staff The results are in for the Motion Picture Editors Guild 2024 Board of Directors election – […]
Even on the warm and idyllic shores of Oahu, IATSE convention-goers could not escape thoughts about a hotter summer of Hollywood labor unrest and a lack of jobs back home. […]
The goal is to build a platform that will provide members with an opportunity to make sure your priorities are identified and to help engage and educate all of you around the detailed facets of those issues, as well as building alliances with other locals who share in our goals. […]
Pride, protest and passion echoed through the halls and into the streets of the 78th annual IATSE District 2 convention in San Francisco on June 25. […]
Ninety-eight percent of members voted yes; the turnout was 90%. […]
“Adequate sleep, reasonable turnaround times, meal breaks, sustainable health and retirement benefits and living wages are the basic building blocks of a healthy industry and benefit producers as well as crew,” ACE, the 61 year-old honorary society for film editors, wrote in a statement. […]
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