Minding Their Beats and Cues: Despite Some Discord, Music Editors Play On
Stephanie Lowry provides a roadmap to some of the issues being dealt with by the rank and file music editors. […]
Stephanie Lowry provides a roadmap to some of the issues being dealt with by the rank and file music editors. […]
Though many documentary producers cut corners on sound editing, relegating it to the bottom of the production budget, filmmaker Ken Burns is the opposite. […]
Though Jack Sullivan won an Oscar for Best Assistant Director for ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’, it is the breathtaking editing by George Amy of the charge that makes the film a classic. […]
Watching ‘Member of the Wedding’ made me aware for the first time of the art of editing. […]
Raymond J. Haberski Jr.’s fascinating history of the film culture wars covers a series of controversies from the 1950s and ‘60s up to the early ‘70s. […]
You don’t find too many editors who work office jobs. David Rogers and Dean Holland do, however. Only their office is ‘The Office’. […]
‘The Manchurian Candidate’ reveals how the two sides of extremism can destroy centrist politics. […]
‘The Third Man’ cleverly uses its Viennese locations to deepen the intrigue; the city itself becomes a character in the film. […]
The EFCA isn’t going to cure all that ails us, but such a law would give unions better tools to fight for fair wages and better working conditions. […]
I contacted some of the major insurance companies in New York State and found some eye-opening answers. […]
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