by Alan Heim, ACE
Dear Brothers and Sisters,

As we approach our 80th anniversary, we are beginning a new epoch in the Motion Picture Editors Guild’s history, with Cathy Repola as our National Executive Director having followed Ron Kutak, who retired from that position last October after 32 years at the helm.
Following our annual Board of Directors election in December and installation of the new and returning Board members in January (see accompanying photo), I’d like to make you all aware of what’s going on at our Local.
Now is our chance to step up and express our opinions while we plan for negotiating a new contract early next year. Only a very small percentage of our members voted in the last Board of Directors election and, if you want input into the contents of our contract, you should stay in touch with our Guild’s Board members and let us know your wishes, desires and problems.
The Guild has recently formed a Diversity Committee with a goal towards raising the visibility, and ultimately increasing the numbers of our minority membership. Through our Membership Outreach Committee, we’ve also launched a mentorship program, in which experienced Guild members in all fields of work meet with small groups of younger members in a series of Master Classes to offer suggestions on how to navigate the politics of the cutting room and sound stage. In addition, the “mentees” work on scenes under a mentor’s watchful eye. They have enjoyed the program very much so far. We will soon be having more Master Classes in various classifications.
I suggest that you come out to our mixers and events, where you can meet Board members and network with your peers. The next few years might become a very tough period for unions in general, so I ask you all to let your voices be heard.
Remember, We are the Union!