by Scott Collins
The Motion Picture Editors Guild is doing its part to ensure the Guild is advancing justice and equity for all of its members, embracing diversity, promoting inclusive work environments within the union and the post-production industry overall, as it partners with a leading consulting firm in a broad-based initiative.
In the first phase, Vancouver-based Elevate Inclusion Strategies will help guide the Guild’s efforts with sessions on inclusive leadership for MPEG’s Board of Directors, as well as mandatory training for Guild staff that advance the study of JEDI (justice, equity, diversity and inclusion). Extra enhanced training will be provided for staff members who work in contract enforcement, such as Field Reps.
In addition, Elevate is assisting with member engagement efforts in accordance with these efforts, such as the popular “Coffee with Cathy” sessions with National Executive Director Cathy Repola, and also advising the Guild how to develop and implement long-term best practices and goals to be culminated in a second phase in 2021.
“I am delighted to be a part of this kind of leadership, one that is willing not only to have these long-overdue difficult conversations, but is also willing to dedicate the time and resources needed to take real and meaningful action to make things better for our BIPOC members, as well as women, the LGBTQ+ community, and people with disabilities, both visible and invisible,” Repola said.
“The Editors Guild has always stood in support of diversity in our industry,” said MPEG President Alan Heim, ACE. “As I said in June, the events of this year have made it clear that we need to do more to help drive positive change. So I am very proud that our union is taking these steps, which are part of our overall mission to enhance post-production and to make workplaces safer and more equitable for everyone.”
Natasha Tony, CEO of Elevate Inclusion, added: “The entertainment industry is in the middle of a collective culture shift towards inclusion. It is an honor to be working with the Guild on building an inclusive union and workplaces. I would like to acknowledge that the Guild is practicing inclusive leadership by addressing how to incorporate inclusive practices throughout the union, creating accessible ways for members to participate in these JEDI conversations and making a commitment to sustainable culture shifts.”
The Motion Picture Editors Guild, a member of IATSE, is the only national union in the United States devoted to the post-production sector of the movie and television industries. It represents more than 8,000 professionals, guaranteeing wages and benefits and enforcing contract provisions.
Scott Collins is Communications Director of Local 700.