Amman, with a Movie Camera: an Editing Workshop for Jordanian Film Students
The lights went up. The audience of eager editing students didn’t seem to know whether to weep or applaud. So they did both. […]
The lights went up. The audience of eager editing students didn’t seem to know whether to weep or applaud. So they did both. […]
‘Being Hal Ashby’ examines the director’s tormented personal life and childhood, and traces the troubled personal skein into an exemplary body of work in motion pictures […]
New York Governor David A. Patterson’s proposal would allow filmmakers to be eligible for a 30 percent tax credit on qualified expenditures. […]
“Let me just start out by saying that I have everything before Avatar, and then Avatar––because there was nothing normal about how we did this film”- Stephen Rivkin […]
People seem to have the impression that I sit in a big office with millions of films which I loan out to interested borrowers… My actual job involves locating stock shots or establishing shots to include in various television shows and feature productions. […]
Of all his creations, ‘The Apartment’ is Billy Wilder’s most influential and greatest film. […]
Film combines all the art forms––drama, theatre, photography, dance, music, architecture––but editing is very special and specific to film. It was borne out of film; it didn’t exist before that. There’s no other art form like it. […]
By the time movies arrived, all the elements of the legend were in place—except for a cohesive plot line. […]
Warner Bros. released Sam Peckinpah’s The Wild Bunch, firing a warning shot to the older generation that they better change with the times or risk irrelevance. […]
Mixing teams work best when the chemistry is good, the working style is compatible and the size of the job calls for a team approach. […]
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