Tail Pop

Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho (1960)

Viewing the shower scene for the first time, I don’t think I was aware of its status as one of the most famous sequences in cinematic history. Little did I know that my fascination (and later my career) in editing would be traced back to this moment in time. […]

Union Made

Schlepping My Way to the Top

I love movies and TV shows. I love watching them and I love making them. I always have, for as long as I can remember. My career as an editor would have been just about perfect if I could have slept my way to the top. Unfortunately, with my looks, I was destined for a more conventional approach. […]

This Quarter in Film History

Blue Grit

During the transition week between the Jimmy Carter and the Ronald Reagan presidencies 30 years ago this January, Hill Street Blues premiered on the NBC net- work. […]