Union Made: My Life as a DiploRat Began in the Basement
I discovered the animal called “story analyst.” These people were allowed to sit on their tuchuses all day to read. And some fool paid them to do this! […]
I discovered the animal called “story analyst.” These people were allowed to sit on their tuchuses all day to read. And some fool paid them to do this! […]
Be kind and respectful to everyone with whom you work — from the production assistant all the way to the executive producer — because your PA might become your EP before too long. And with every cut, everyone, including me, becomes a better editor. […]
by Kurt Kassulke, CAS Growing up in Minnesota, I was the son of a doctor mom and stepdad, and a […]
It all started when I was four years old. I was being forced against my will to eat the most vile of all beans, the dreaded lima. In protest, I made a film starring my cabbage patch dolls to illustrate the grossness of the bean. Okay, you might ask, how does a four-year-old make a movie? With her father as camera operator, of course! I lined up the dolls, instructed my dad to set up our trusty VHS camera, and told him to start rolling. […]
I love movies and TV shows. I love watching them and I love making them. I always have, for as long as I can remember. My career as an editor would have been just about perfect if I could have slept my way to the top. Unfortunately, with my looks, I was destined for a more conventional approach. […]
I was born on April 30, 1913, in Lone Wolf, Oklahoma. I’m 99 years old. I guess you’d say I’m old. Weightlifting for me is standing up… I’m so old they’ve discontinued my blood type… I can remember when the Dead Sea first got sick… Jokes, no matter their quality, should make you laugh. And laughter keeps you young. And I love to laugh. […]
I grew up in a small town on the East Coast, maybe 1,000 people, tops. Not too much to do at night, but great for a kid; we pretty much had the run of the town. […]
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