For each day in the month of February, the Committee will be highlighting African-American members, both past and present, and their accomplishments. We look forward to showing the contributions and influences African-Americans have had on the industry.
Name: Q de Chambres
What’s your job? Picture Editor on an unscripted series.
List the credits you’re most proud of. I am most proud of the work I did on the Disney Plus show “Behind The Attraction, Tower of Terror.” That show was a combination of history, comedy. I love historical pieces and comedy so to blend them both in editing, I could do that all day!
Who and what are your influences and/or mentors? I am fortunate that my wife is an editor and she has mentored me during my early years of editing but my influences are the work of Ken Burns, The CNN Decades series and a young filmmaker Johnathan Couette.
What books are you reading and/or shows are you watching? I finally finished the Miles Davis Autobiography and am currently in the middle of a couple of Black history books; One about my family’s hometown called “Smoketown” and another titled “The Warmth of Other Suns.” I’m waiting for the next season of the late John Singleton’s “Snowfall.” I binge-watched it last year. I’m intrigued with that period of LA history; the drugs, the music, government and police corruption. That stuff is gold to me.
What would be your superhero name? The Black Knight.
What are your black history month memories and any cultural or historical impacts on your life? I am a fan of James Baldwin and I love the historic James Baldwin vs William F. Buckley debate. It encompasses what Baldwin was about in so many ways. He was on fire that night!
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given? Be fearless and don’t be afraid to fail, several innovators failed before achieving success.
If you could time travel, when would you go and why? Harlem, during the Renaissance, because it would be incredible to live and work among some of the most creative and outgoing black artists ever!
What’s a little known fact about you? I worked in Production and on set for 15 years, I was a 1st assistant director and line producer before switching to editing. I also worked in film marketing and distribution for the films like, “Do The Right Thing,” and Pulp Fiction.”
Was there a television show/movie that inspired you to pursue your career? Yes, both Spike Lee’s “She’s Gotta Have It” and “Do The Right Thing.” I worked on the marketing in the Texas region and I remember listening to him talk about filmmaking and seeking to demystify the craft. I bought every companion book to his first four movies. I read them and checked out the storyboards. He was very insistent that anyone could do it. I knew I had to at least try just go for it be fearless and not take no for an answer. I moved from Texas to California to pursue my passion.
What’s your personal/professional mantra? No Regrets! Live life with no regrets! You never know until you try. I jump in head first and go full blast. Sometimes I land on my feet and sometimes I flop but I have no regrets for trying. I win more than I fail.
What’s the last show/movie that left you speechless? “US!” I love when someone can blend socio-economic and political issues into pure entertainment with stunning visuals, and plot. Jordan Peele, Jordan Peele, Jordan Peele that’s all I can say.
What would be your dream project to work on? There are so many great black history stories I would love to edit. I have several subjects in mind and I’m not waiting for someone to hire me to do that – I may very well start producing and editing that on my own! Time waits for no one.