What’s your job? Assistant Editor
What are you working on right now? “All Rise, Season 2 (CBS All-Access)
What are your black history month memories and any cultural or historical impacts on your life? In 2019, I visited Washington, D.C. and saw a block commemorating the enslaved Africans who helped build the U.S. Capitol. I also visited all 8 floors of the National Museum of African American History and Culture. It left me in tears.
If you could time travel, when would you go and why? I’d go back to 1994 and enroll in a community college that offered film school courses vs going to (and graduating from) a private film school right before the economy tanked.
What’s a little known fact about you? What are your hidden (or not so hidden) talents? I love mayonnaise. I rarely eat hot sauce and only on selected dishes. I’m a great Salsa dancer and Karoake singer. I have tattoos of a Sith Hologram (back of my neck) and the Auto-bot Matrix of Leadership inside of Optimus Prime (across my chest, of course).
What would be your dream project to work on? Any Star Wars, GI Joe, Transformers TV show or film project. Or a Metallica project, because my future wife loves them.