by Tomm Carroll
Editor, CineMontage
Welcome to CineMontage.org!
The award-winning magazine of the Motion Picture Editors Guild — CineMontage — has gone online with its own standalone website. Just in time to honor Labor Day 2016, the largest guild in the largest entertainment union, IATSE, has launched this new website for its premier publication. CineMontage.org is a sister site to the online home of MPEG — www.EditorsGuild.com — which will cross-link with this website.
CineMontage Magazine has a lineage of almost 40 years as the Journal of the Editors Guild, publishing stories about its members working in the many crafts of the post-production industry. In fact, its predecessor was The Leader, the quarterly bulletin of the Guild’s antecedent, the Society of Motion Picture Film Editors, first published January 1, 1943.
In the modern era, the Editors Guild Newsletter launched in 1979, and continued to grow until the turn of the century, when it moved into a magazine format and, as of the year 2000, was renamed Editors Guild Magazine. To honor the Guild’s 75th anniversary in 2012, the magazine was revamped, redesigned and rebranded as the current CineMontage. It is mailed quarterly to nearly 9,500 members, both active and retired, as well as to film schools and post-production facilities in the entertainment industry.
The new CineMontage website was designed using a software called WordPress, which is used by many of the web’s most popular news and magazine sites. Our site is optimized for viewing on all mobile devices and fully interacts with social media.
“CineMontage is the face and voice of the Editors Guild,” said picture editors A.J. Catoline and Kevin Ross, who serve as co-chairs of the MPEG Publications Committee, which oversees the magazine and website. “It has long been the chronicle of the Motion Picture Editors Guild, and we are now proud to launch the online component. The CineMontage site will focus exclusively on being the Guild’s news delivery service to members, the industry and the general public.”
In addition to publishing online versions of articles that appear quarterly in print, the new website will also feature web-exclusive stories for its online readership. Additionally, a selection of previously published articles from the CineMontage and Editors Guild Magazine archives will be increasingly added to the site. Eventually, the entire collection of Guild articles — in print and online — as well as a photo archive, will reside on the new website.
“This is the online journal of, by and for the MPEG membership. We welcome ideas for stories about great union crews working their crafts in post, as well as opinion pieces from both members and industry leaders, and Letters the Editor,” continued the Publications Committee chairs. Readers are encouraged to e-mail correspondence and story ideas to CineMontage@EditorsGuild.com.
The new CineMontage website was designed using a software called WordPress, which is used by many of the web’s most popular news and magazine sites. Our site is optimized for viewing on all mobile devices and fully interacts with social media.
This project is part of the overhaul and redesign of the Guild’s websites as initiated by the Board of Directors and managed by both the Website and the Publications Committees. The Editors Guild plans to debut its updated home page, www.EditorsGuild.com, later this year. The new MPEG site will provide improved functionality for members and employers, including information on wages and contract rules, dues payment and a resume-building tool as part of a member-created profile page.
For advertising opportunities for both MPEG websites, contact Dan Dodd of IngleDodd Media, at 310-207-4410 or by e-mail at MPEG@ingledodd.com.
Enjoy scrolling, clicking and reading!