Reprinted from The Hill by Steve Delie on October 17, 2020.
“Joe Biden campaigns as a moderate, yet his labor policy is anything but,” writes Steve Delie in The Hill. “He supports the most radical rewrite of federal labor laws in US history, and American workers should be afraid.
“Biden’s plan is sweeping. He would strip states of their ability to regulate their own affairs, end workers’ freedom to choose whether to join a union, and destroy independent contracting and the ‘gig’ economy. If elected, Biden will push an agenda that would eviscerate the rights of tens of millions of workers, put labor unions in control of the economy, and impose a one-size-fits-all labor system on the entire country.
“The former vice president certainly isn’t hiding his intentions. His campaign website clearly sets out the basics of his preferred reforms. …
“Most of Biden’s preferred policies could be enacted in a single bill — the PRO Act, a partisan labor bill that passed the House on a near-party line vote. If Biden is elected, this likely will be one of the first measures that a Democratic Congress takes up, even though it would upend federal labor law and have disastrous consequences on the economy and working families. …