Sick of It All
I contacted some of the major insurance companies in New York State and found some eye-opening answers. […]
I contacted some of the major insurance companies in New York State and found some eye-opening answers. […]
CineMontage recently visited Pulcini in his New York editing suite. […]
Ken Burns has always acknowledged the large part Paul Barnes, his chief picture editor, has played in the smooth operation and artistic prominence of Florentine Films. […]
Picture editors Erik Ewers and Tricia Reidy are an integral part of Florentine Films’ post-production team. […]
Some excerpts from a panel of sound effects professionals. […]
CineMontage spoke to a handful of Los Angeles-based colorists to get a picture of what telecine was, how technology has transformed it, and how they see their role in the color correction suite. […]
The Simpsons Movie will not feel like most animated films of recent years, what with its 2-D production and an almost minimalist soundscape. […]
These young people, at least those who do manage to find a way into this crazy business, are the future of this Guild. […]
The story of robots that can metamorphose from ordinary-looking machines into intelligent, mechanical, biped creatures has gone through many transformations itself. […]
High Noon has often been interpreted as an anti-McCarthy era story of mass cowardice when confronted by evil. It is a moot point now because the story has multiple meanings as a personal epiphany. […]
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