Michael Powell’s ’49th Parallel’
No matter how hardcore a cinephile you might be, there are always discoveries to be made in an old film never seen or even heard of. […]
No matter how hardcore a cinephile you might be, there are always discoveries to be made in an old film never seen or even heard of. […]
Legendary movie producer Sam Goldwyn wrote the quote, opposite, in an article for The New York Times Magazine in 1949, just as television was emerging as a major mass medium. […]
For both mixing and workstation technologies at Technicolor’s new post complex, Avid served as the primary hardware supplier. […]
The Soundman is a unique document of how sound departments worked in the later days of studio system dominance. […]
A Letter to Three Wives was a classic from the day it was released in January 1949. […]
“…and it’s being shot completely in Arabic.” Say what? I fervently hoped that the webcam pixelation hid the panic I could feel creeping into my eyes. […]
With the clarity of hindsight,perhaps the Academy can find a way to single out those films of past years that may have been unjustly overlooked.
In Syracuse New York in 1967, my dad’s RCA console TV received three broadcast channels. One of them was the local PBS station. That’s where I first saw Duck Soup, the classic Marx Brothers comedy. […]
In the following articles you will find the complete lists of Film Editing, Sound Editing and Sound Mixing Oscar winners to date, recipients of the archaic Special Effects. In addition, there is ‘Oscars That Should Have Been’. […]
Richard Pepperman has written his most personal book yet and, once again, it is a work that only the most accomplished editor could produce.
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