
Celebrity Crush

In ‘The King of Comedy’ (1983), directed by Martin Scorsese from Newsweek film critic Paul D. Zimmerman’s script, fledgling comic Rupert Pupkin wants to be a star. Obsessed with celebrity itself, he emerges from the subculture of fandom to take a shot at fame by kidnapping late night talk show host Jerry Langford. […]


Terrence Malick’s ‘Days of Heaven’

October 1978. A weekday afternoon in Manhattan. I stumble into daylight, having just experienced something which has so floored me that I’m numb, twisted around, and can’t remember which subway takes me back downtown — so I start walking, trying to make sense of what I’d just seen. […]


Oscar’s Favorite Sound Editors 2018

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences’ list of nominees for the 2018 Oscars. In the sound editing category, nominations went to the teams behind ‘Baby Driver,’ ‘Blade Runner 2049,’ Dunkirk, ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’ […]