The Women’s Steering Committee, a branch of the Editors Guild’s Diversity Committee, would like to address the recent events concerning Harvey Weinstein, Roy Price, Tyler Grasham, et al.
We are here to listen. We are here to share. We are here to give voice to your experiences.
The brave women and men who have come forward with their personal stories of being subjected to, or witnessing, sexual harassment, bullying, intimidation and the misuse of power in our industry have shocked and outraged many within and outside of our community. None of these stories is new. We have all heard them again and again throughout many years of abuse. Sadly, they have been going on for far too long. It is past the time for change.
In the coming months, our committee will be aligning and coordinating with the Guild’s other sub-committees of the Diversity Committee to speak with one strong, clear voice on this issue. We have been working closely with the Guild’s leadership and its Board of Directors to ensure not only that there is — and will continue to be — a safe place to report incidents of sexual harassment and other abusive work environments, but that those who report will have the strength of our Guild to support and protect them as well.
We at the Women’s Steering Committee are listening to you. Please do not be afraid to speak out.
For more information, please read the recent letter Cathy Repola, the Guild’s National Executive Director, sent out to the membership providing much further detail: