For each day in the month of February, the African American Steering Committee will be highlighting Local 700’s African American members, both past and present, and their accomplishments. We look forward to showing the contributions and influences African Americans have had on the industry.
Name: Frederick D. Hawthorne
Whats your job? Supervising Editor/Supervising Producer
List the credits you’re most proud of. “Malcolm X,“ Spike Lee; “48 Hours,“ CBS News; “Survivor,“ CBS
What are you working on right now? “Survivor“
Who and what are your influences and/or mentors? My father Davis Hawthorne and my older brother David Hawthorne.
What books are you reading, shows are you watching and/or movies you’re excited about? I recently read and highly recommend “A People’s History of the United States“ by Howard Zinn. And NetFlix “Don’t Look Up“ was. fun and timely.
What are your Black history month memories and any cultural or historical impacts on your life? Although I was very young I remember the Day Martin Luther King was assassinated. I remember my mother crying uncontrollably, and trying to comfort her.
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given? Take the road less traveled. Don’t take short cuts. And never let someone’s opinion of you shake your confidence.
What’s a little known fact about you? What are your hidden (or not so hidden) talents? I’ve trained and practiced Martial Arts for over 25 years
What’s your favorite (Black) television/movie moment? “Blackish’s“ Juneteenth episode, I’m ashamed to say that I didn’t know the history and significance of that day.
Was there a television show/movie that inspired you to pursue your career? No, to be honest I fell into editing.
What’s your personal/professional mantra? Whatever you do, do it to the best of your ability.