Christensen: Biden is Labor’s Best Bet

Labor News

Reprinted from The Hill by Frank Christensen on November 1, 2020.

“A recent Federal Reserve survey found that one in five people who were working in February lost their job or were furloughed in March or early April,” writes Frank Christensen in The Hill.

“The grim financial difficulties brought on by COVID-19 have hit lower earning workers the hardest. Nearly 40 percent of former workers living in a household earning $40,000 or less lost work compared to just 13 percent of those in a household making over $100,000.

“In addition to the loss of their income, some 12 million Americans have also lost their employer-sponsored health coverage since the onset of COVID-19, making the public health crisis even worse.

“The coronavirus pandemic has been both an economic crisis and a public health crisis, and the costs of both have fallen heavily on American workers. …

The Hill opinion 11/1

About Jeffrey Burman 861 Articles
Jeff Burman served on the Guild’s Board of Directors from 1992 to 2019. He is now retired. He can be reached at [email protected].