Reprinted from The Guardian UK by Maanvi Singh on August 22, 2021.
Larry Elder is a confounding frontrunner in the Republican race to replace Gavin Newsom as California governor.
The outspoken libertarian radio talkshow host entered the recall campaign just days before the filing deadline. He has zoomed to the top of a long list of candidates running against the state’s Democratic governor – perhaps both despite and because of his divisive, contrarian politics.
Elder opposes the minimum wage and gun control. He’s said he doesn’t believe that a gender wage gap exists, and has called the climate crisis a “crock”. He has suggested that fatherless families drive up crime rates in Black communities. In three decades on air, Elder has made a name disseminating controversy.
His most extreme views are not only out of line with those of the majority of voters – but also with the views of many of the state’s Republicans. And yet it’s not impossible the self-proclaimed “sage from South Central” will become the next governor of one of America’s bluest states. …
Vote NO on the Anti-Union Recall
Reprinted from The California Federation of Labor by its staff.
The California Federation of Labor urges you to vote NO on the recall. The election is on September 14. The Labor Federation says “California’s laws to protect workers are the strongest in the nation. If the anti-union recall backers are successful, California will lose years of progress on workers’ rights.”
California Federation of Labor site
Vote NO on the Recall of Governor Gavin Newsom
Reprinted from The Courage California Campaign by its staff.
The 2021 recall is a cynical effort backed by a right-wing coalition eager to capitalize on the perception of political weakness that has resulted from the ongoing economic impact of Governor Newsom’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This misguided effort to launch a special election, less than a year before the 2022 cycle, is expected to cost California taxpayers $276 million.