For each day in the month of February, the Committee will be highlighting African-American members, both past and present, and their accomplishments. We look forward to showing the contributions and influences African-Americans have had on the industry.
Name: André Fenley
What’s your job? Supervising Sound Editor
List the credits you’re most proud of. “Jurassic Park,” “Private Ryan,” “Fight Club,” “Iron Man,” “Lion King,” “West Side Story” and some of the credits I’m most proud of.
Who and what are your influences and/or mentors? I count Paul Robeson, Gordon Parks, Melvin Van Peebles, and Spike Lee amongst my influences, and am grateful to have Richard Hymns and Frank Eulner as mentors.
What books are you reading, shows are you watching and/or movies you’re excited about? I’m currently reading “Just As I Am: A Memoir” by Cicely Tyson (R.I.P.) and excited about “American Skin.”
What would be your superhero name: {Just A} Regular Brotha.
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given? I’ve got two… “The truth don’t change,”- my Grandma Virlee Fenley; “A closed mouth don’t get fed.” -my Great-Grandma Laura Powell.
If you could time travel, when would you go and why? I’d travel back to Africa and visit some of the great Kings and Queens of the past, such as NZINGHA, TENKAMENIN, NANDI and SHAMBA BOLONGONGO.
What’s your favorite (Black) television/movie moment? Three of my favorite Black films are “Buck and the Preacher,” “Shaft,” and “Do The Right Thing.”
Was there a television show/movie that inspired you to pursue your career? Both “Sweet Sweetback’s Baadassss Song” and “She’s Gotta Have It.”
What’s your personal/professional mantra? “It’s Not Easy Being Green.”
What would be your dream project to work on? I probably won’t know a dream project before it comes. I’ll only know when I look back at it with the fondest appreciation.