Cut to Black: Roderick Hicks, Assistant Editor

For each day in the month of February, the African American Steering Committee will be highlighting Local 700’s African American members, both past and present, and their accomplishments. We look forward to showing the contributions and influences African Americans have had on the industry.

Name: Roderick Hicks

What’s your job? Assistant Editor, FOX 9-1-1”

List the credits you’re most proud of. “9-1-1,” because it’s my first union show and my first scripted series.

Who and what are your influences and/or mentors? My parents, I inherited my work ethic from both of them.

What books are you reading, shows are you watching and/or movies you’re excited about? I’m excited about the new season of Ozark,” my fiance and I just started watching it.

What would be your superhero name? Obsidian Flash

If you could time travel, when would you go and why? 1915, I’d like to meet my grandfather as a young man.

What’s a little known fact about you? What are your hidden (or not so hidden) talents? I’m an associate Journalism professor and a certified scuba diver.

What’s your favorite (Black) television/movie moment? Any scene from The Wire” that involves Clay Davis.

What’s your personal/professional mantra? Know better, do better.

What’s the last show/movie that left you speechless? “The Watchmen” television series

What would be your dream project to work on? The next season of The Watchmen” …if they ever make another one.