Brothers and Sisters,
Last year was a challenging one for our Guild, but also one of great promise. In our struggle to get a fair deal for our members, we discovered how strongly you were behind the position of our Board of Directors (pictured here) to fight for better protection of our pension and welfare plan, as well as better and safer turnaround times and other issues.

I have belonged to the Editors Guild on both coasts since 1964 and I have never been so proud as when I looked out at all of you — about 2,000 strong — at our meeting to support our National Executive Director Cathy Repola and the Board. A truly astounding percentage of you then voted against accepting the contract when it was finally submitted to us for ratification. We were the only IA local to turn it down and we should hold our heads high.
Our challenge now will be to keep this wonderful solidarity going forward as we plan for the next negotiations, when we can fight for a more just and generous contract.
Until then, I ask you all to keep active in the Guild and enforce the provisions of the current contract. Also, I invite you all to attend our monthly Board meetings as guests to see how our Guild operates. Just call the office, find out the dates of the meetings and register your intention to attend. I hope to see you there.
Yours in solidarity,
Alan Heim, ACE
President, Motion Picture Editors Guild,
Local 700 IATSE