Streaming Fatigue? Average Number of Services Per User Falls for First Time

Labor News, Industry News

Reprinted from The Hollywood Reporter by Georg Szalai on June 15, 2021.

The average number of video streaming services utilized per US user has fallen for the first time, according to technology research firm Omdia.

In a Tuesday report, it said the figure declined from 7.23 in November to 7.06 in April.

“In the past, many have posited an ultimate limit to the number of services a consumer will be able to manage,” Omdia highlighted. “With US growth stumbling, many will be asking if seven is the new ceiling for video streaming video services (pay and free).”

Indeed, Wall Street and other analysts have often argued that streamers with deep pockets and big global subscriber numbers, such as Netflix and Disney+, will be fine in an increasingly competitive space, but there could be a shake-out among smaller players. …

Outside of the US, Omdia’s survey found that the number of online services per home is continuing to rise, with the UK reaching 5.78 services per user.

THR 6/15

About Jeffrey Burman 861 Articles
Jeff Burman served on the Guild’s Board of Directors from 1992 to 2019. He is now retired. He can be reached at [email protected].