Reprinted from Salon by Bob Hennelly on May 29, 2021.
On May 13, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention lifted the indoor mask mandate for people who say they are vaccinated. Individually, many of those who were vaccinated celebrated the news at what seemed like a step towards a pre-pandemic normalcy. Yet public health experts and unions alike were horrified.
In a May 17 tweet, the New York State Nurses Association, which represents 40,000 Registered Nurses, warned “the rushed CDC mask guidance is a rollback on patients’ & workers’ protections across the country. The path to stop the virus is more than the vaccine alone. This guidance will push communities to remove their masks sooner than recommended — risking lives.”
Indeed, the unions that represent healthcare professionals and essential frontline workers are speaking out about the CDC’s walkback on masks. These workers, they say, have paid for and will continue to pay for the nation’s scandalous lack of preparation for this totally foreseeable event. …