How Myron Kerstein and His Team Captured the Emotional Highs of ‘In the Heights’
‘In The Heights’ Offers an Emotional Experience – And the Post Team Had to Find Ways to Capture It. […]
‘In The Heights’ Offers an Emotional Experience – And the Post Team Had to Find Ways to Capture It. […]
How Soundflow Helps Simplify Tasks for Busy Users […]
This was strike three for me — three shows in a row shut down unexpectedly. Two pre-pandemic and now this. […]
“Larry Elder is a confounding frontrunner in the Republican race to replace Gavin Newsom as California governor,” writes Maanvi Singh in The Guardian. “Elder opposes the minimum wage and […]
The AFL-CIO has chosen Liz Shuler, its acting president since the death of Richard Trumka this month, to lead the federation until it holds elections next year. Shuler had served as secretary-treasurer, the AFL-CIO’s […]
Forty years ago, the air-traffic controllers’ strike sent labor’s fortunes plummeting. Are the skies about to get friendlier for workers? […]
Fourteen of Hollywood’s top cinematographers have signed a letter urging the member companies of the AMPTP to finally address “the hazards of unsafe working hours” that have been common in the […]
Arindrajit Dube, an economics professor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, reviewing census data, looked at the 25 states that ended benefits early, in June. Dube found that the share of adults with a job […]
“Over the course of four films with Terry Malick, I spent a lot of time in Austin. To say we were ‘bunkered down’ during the editing process is probably an understatement.” […]
Scarlett Johansson’s lawsuit against Walt Disney Co. could have a significant legacy in Hollywood for the way it highlights a growing fight between studios and talent [and their unions]. How should filmmakers be paid […]
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