Congratulations to the newly elected or re-elected members of the Motion Picture Editors Guild’s 2017 Officers and Board of Directors and IATSE Convention Delegates. The election results were announced December 22.
The new members will take office on January 1, 2017, and will be officially inducted at the Guild’s first Board meeting of the new year on Saturday, January 14, which will be followed by the annual Board Installation dinner later that evening.
Following is the list of members newly elected or re-elected to the Board during the recent election. (Members new to the Board are indicated by *; members returning to the Board after a several-year absence are indicated by **.)
Alan Heim, ACE
2nd Vice President
Louis Bertini, MPSE
Diane Adler, ACE
Rachel B. Igel
Sergeant At Arms
William “Bill” Elias
Assistant Editor
Jeffrey Burman
Shiran Carolyn Amir *
Eastern Region
Alexa Zimmerman
Chad Birmingham (Alternate) *
Nancy Richardson, ACE
Sidney Wolinsky, ACE
Lisa Zeno Churgin, ACE **
Dorian Harris, ACE *
Joseph Birkman
Laboratory Film Technician/Cinetechnician
Frank Delgado
Robert “Bubba” Nichols •
Sound Editor
Glenn T. Morgan, MPSE
Jerry “Jerbear” Ross *
Dave Barnaby *
Outgoing board members include Vice President Gregg Rudloff; Assistant Editor Sam Restivo; Eastern Region Alternate Fred Rosengerg; Editor John Axelrad, ACE; Re-Recording Mixer Dean Okrand, CAS; Sound Editor Suhail Kafity, MPSE; and Recordist Ara Ashjian.
IATSE Convention Delegates
Catherine A. Repola
Diane Adler, ACE
Maysie Hoy, ACE
Sharon Smith Holley
Rachel B. Igel
Christie Richmond
William “Bill” Elias
Louis Bertini, MPSE
Jeffrey Burman
Ronald G. Kutak
A.J. Catoline
Frank Delgado
Stephanie Lowry
Paul G. Moore
Scott M. George