What Our Members Do:
Armando J. Sanchez
My job is to make my editor happy. Sometimes it means doing temp sound work, and sometimes it means getting her oatmeal. […]
My job is to make my editor happy. Sometimes it means doing temp sound work, and sometimes it means getting her oatmeal. […]
I am the visual effects editor on the time-traveling mystery series Timeless on NBC. I manage visual effects for the show. […]
There probably isn’t a more iconic 20th century figure than Albert Einstein, given that his scientific work literally changed the course of world history and how humans view the universe. […]
Michael Pedraza is a man with a plan. While attending film school in Arizona, he decided that he would work with one of his two favorite editors—Michael Kahn, A.C.E., or Dylan Tichenor, A.C.E. Happily, he had an “in” in that his editing teacher’s claim to fame was that he had worked in Kahn’s editing room on Saving Private Ryan. […]
On July 25, 2016, the editing community lost a truly remarkable young editor far too soon. Originally from Independence, Missouri, Tyler A. Earring moved to LA in 2005 to continue his education as an MFA Editing Fellow at the American Film Institute. […]
Although assistant editors do embrace the chance to learn more, the question becomes: How much work is too much per assistant? Does bringing this extra work in-house mean that an extra assistant is required? And what does the assistant lose—mentoring time, for example—by taking on these extra tasks? […]
Allow me to introduce you to the post-production alchemy that produces the show that, according to Newsweek senior writer Andrew Romano, is “right now…the best program on TV, period.” […]
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