
Fear of a Black Planet

Over the decade leading to 1973, with the progress achieved by the civil rights movement, a greater awareness emerged in the African-American community of its own history and culture. Despite this growth of self-worth, pride and initiative giving strength to the idea of Black Power, the systemic practice of inequality and oppression of minorities continued to afflict American society. […]


Alan Meyerson on ‘The Thin Red Line’

Meyerson momentarily stopped thinking of scores like songs for one of his most personally significant projects: writer-director Terrence Malick’s World War II drama ‘The Thin Red Line,’ released by 20th Century Fox in December 1998. […]


The Guilty Pleasures of Story Analysts: Movies They Hate to Love…

CineMontage has turned to the Guild’s erudite, critical and scholarly branch––the story analysts––and asked them to venture deep inside their inner film geeks, to forget that their professional reputations could be at stake and to admit to the world––or at least to their fellow Guild members––what their favorite guilty pleasure movies are.  […]