
Tommy Vicari on ‘Road to Perdition’

You might say that Tommy Vicari, CAS, is the beneficiary of good timing. A few years after director Sam Mendes and composer Thomas Newman were the toast of the film world for the Academy Award-winning American Beauty (1999), Vicari was asked to serve as scoring mixer on their follow-up film, Road to Perdition (2002). […]


Christine Culler on ‘Minority Report’

While working at 20th Century Fox in the early 1990s, story analyst Christine Culler was assigned a steady diet of romantic comedies and children’s books. Then, in 1995, a different sort of project came across her desk: ‘Minority Report,’ a futuristic suspense film, heavy on action and low on meet-cutes. […]


Nancy Parker on ‘Kickboxer’

As a Foley artist, Nancy Parker, MPSE, is tasked with creating the sounds of major life events for characters on-screen. “I go to work and I may perform open-heart surgery, or I may saddle, bridle and ride a horse,” she says. […]


Lucinda Margolis on ‘Wheel of Fortune’

As a technical director specializing in entertainment events and game shows, Lucinda Margolis spends the better part of her days seated in front of television monitors. Earlier this year, however, when she and her husband moved into a new home, it took them about a month to plug in their own TV set. […]


Christy Richmond on ‘My Life’

Over the course of her long and accomplished career, assistant editor Christy Richmond has attended her share of screenings for studio executives. Sometimes, the higher-ups respond favorably; other times, their reactions are less than what the filmmakers might have expected. […]