
The Del Spiva Experience:

Music editor Del Spiva chuckles when asked how he explains the job of a music editor to the uninitiated. For Spiva, explaining the job can be a Socratic experience; he throws challenges at his questioners until they comprehend the nature of his work. […]

Union Made

Schlepping My Way to the Top

I love movies and TV shows. I love watching them and I love making them. I always have, for as long as I can remember. My career as an editor would have been just about perfect if I could have slept my way to the top. Unfortunately, with my looks, I was destined for a more conventional approach. […]


Post-Post-Production: Sound Bites from Guild Retirees

Motion Picture Editors Guild retirees are goldmines of information; they are walking encyclopedias of the industry with priceless experience and wisdom to offer. While the technology may have changed, the necessity of navigating through the challenges of the craft and the politics still remains. […]


Crossing the ‘Rubicon’ with New Workflow: Why Not Keep it All in the Cutting Room?

“Bring the work back into the cutting room” is the mantra of Terry Kelley, A.C.E. To save both money and time producing television shows and movies, picture editor Kelley has established a new workflow procedure that has proven successful on two television series—Showtime’s Brotherhood (2006-2008) and the conspiracy thriller Rubicon, which just finished its first season on AMC. […]


Still Loving ‘Lucy’

From the CineMontage archives, a 2009 interview with the award-winning editor, Dann Cahn, about the beginnings of the I Love Lucy show and the ground-breaking editorial requirements for the three-camera production. […]