WHAT OUR MEMBERS DO: Priscilla Zambrano, Assistant Editor
Everything in this industry is about collaboration, and part of my job is to make sure that my editor’s day goes as smoothly as possible. […]
Everything in this industry is about collaboration, and part of my job is to make sure that my editor’s day goes as smoothly as possible. […]
“When I read the pilot script, I was struck by how important it is that we understand the story is still relevant today.” […]
“I’ve always loved cutting arguments between couples, or arguments in general.” […]
‘It’s all about making this movie fly, transform and transport audiences.’ […]
“It’s a story of a stepmom and a stepdaughter bonding. They’re totally unbonded at the beginning and they need to be a family by the end. That’s what I connected to.” […]
“I started to recognize that this was a portrait of Korean Americans and Asian Americans in general that we hadn’t seen before.” […]
“Our events have been a great way for us to increase engagement with our membership as well as reach people who aren’t yet in the union and still have questions.” […]
“I remember being stunned when I saw the first episodes with the cars floating freeform and the robots without the puppeteers.” […]
“Part of the trick of being an editor involves the politics of being a good soldier while also doing your best to protect the integrity of the cut and doing what you know will work.” […]
“Ask questions as much as possible.” […]
©2016-2021 Motion Picture Editors Guild