
Stand Up for Your Work!

The idea of standing while sound editing had been in my mind for many years. My initial thoughts were that it would be too hard to be on my feet all day, and I didn’t really have any idea how to do it from a practical standpoint. […]


The Iron Men of Post-Production

CineMontage caught up with the editors, and their first assistants Matthew Schmidt and John Dietrick, as they were finishing the film, which sees Stark/Iron Man pushed to his limit while battling the Mandarin (Ben Kingsley). […]


Plugged-In for Picture: What Film Editors Are Using

In the MAY-JUN 14 issue of CineMontage, writer Mel Lambert surveyed sound designers, sound editors and supervising sound editors about the Digital Audio Workstation add-ons that they use to get the job done. In this issue, we’ve asked picture editors what their plug-in choices are. […]