Stanley Donen and Gene Kelly’s ‘Singin’ in the Rain’
Growing up a twin and one of nine children meant that there wasn’t very much alone time. […]
Growing up a twin and one of nine children meant that there wasn’t very much alone time. […]
Despite what you may hear about eBook publishing and digital books, the publication of books about film on “dead trees” (or paper) is very much alive. […]
Forty years ago, Steven Spielberg transformed television narrative with his made-for-TV movie Duel, which aired on ABC in November 1971. […]
They somehow think that freedom to speak equals freedom to steal. […]
There’s a joyous moment in director Martin Scorsese’s Hugo, opening November 23 from Paramount Pictures, when Sir Ben Kingsley–– portraying the pioneering French filmmaker Georges Méliès (1902’s A Trip to the Moon)—performs a magi- cal feat onstage to thunderous applause. It’s but a brief glimpse into a forgotten past. […]
I started editing quarter-inch reels of recorded audio sessions, then got bumped up to an assistant working with film on a Moviola. I was surprised by how much I liked it.
Pete Beaudreau spoke to CineMontage about ‘Margin Call’ and his career path. […]
“On this film the director is always right…even when he isn’t.” – unnamed director […]
Sound editor and sound designer Frank Edward Warner died peacefully at home in Sedona, Arizona, on August 31. He was 85. […]
It’s more about a man’s journey and struggle against conventional wisdom than it is about Baseball,” says editor Christopher Tellefsen, A.C.E. The film he’s discussing is Moneyball, which opens September 23 through Columbia Pictures, and the man is Billy Beane, por- trayed by Brad Pitt. Based on Michael Lewis’ non-fiction book of the same name, it tells the story of Beane, a star high school athlete with a keen mind who played big league Baseball for five years, not particularly distinguishing himself. […]
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