Stanley Donen and Gene Kelly’s ‘Singin’ in the Rain’
Growing up a twin and one of nine children meant that there wasn’t very much alone time. […]
Growing up a twin and one of nine children meant that there wasn’t very much alone time. […]
Despite what you may hear about eBook publishing and digital books, the publication of books about film on “dead trees” (or paper) is very much alive. […]
Forty years ago, Steven Spielberg transformed television narrative with his made-for-TV movie Duel, which aired on ABC in November 1971. […]
They somehow think that freedom to speak equals freedom to steal. […]
There’s a joyous moment in director Martin Scorsese’s Hugo, opening November 23 from Paramount Pictures, when Sir Ben Kingsley–– portraying the pioneering French filmmaker Georges Méliès (1902’s A Trip to the Moon)—performs a magi- cal feat onstage to thunderous applause. It’s but a brief glimpse into a forgotten past. […]
I started editing quarter-inch reels of recorded audio sessions, then got bumped up to an assistant working with film on a Moviola. I was surprised by how much I liked it.
Pete Beaudreau spoke to CineMontage about ‘Margin Call’ and his career path. […]
“On this film the director is always right…even when he isn’t.” – unnamed director […]
Sound editor and sound designer Frank Edward Warner died peacefully at home in Sedona, Arizona, on August 31. He was 85. […]
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