Claude A. “C.A.” Shumaker, Jr.
Lab Film Technician
May 25, 1936 –
June 15, 2015
Claude A. “C.A.” Shumaker, Jr. passed away suddenly on June 15, 2015, at the age of 79. Born in Missouri, C.A.’s family relocated to Southern California, where, in addition to his profession as a film technician, he pursued a lifelong love of travel and adventure.
C.A. joined Local 683, Laboratory Film Technicians and Cinetechnicians, in July 1966. Throughout his 32-year career, he worked in shipping, assembly, positive and negative developing and as a shift boss at MGM, Panacolor, Inc., General Film Lab, Movielab, CFI, Technicolor, HFE Film & Video Laboratories, Inc., Film Lab, Inc., Metrocolor Laboratories and finally Deluxe Laboratories from which he retired in June 1998. Additionally, C.A. served honorably in the Army National Guard, achieving the rank of Master Sergeant E-8.
In his spare time, he criss-crossed the United States on his Harley-Davidson, was a proud member of the 100,000-Mile Club of the AMF Harley-Davidson, and owned an RV, dirt bikes and a boat. C.A. traveled extensively and made happy memories with his family and many friends, always ready for the next adventure.
C.A. is survived by his twin sons Christopher (also a member of Local 700) and Timothy, daughter-in-law Tricia, granddaughter Ava and sister Donna. Memorial services were held in Sylmar, California on June 26, 2015.