
Rebooting ‘Roots’

The idea to reboot the legendary, award-winning miniseries Roots nearly 40 years later was executive producer Mark Wolper’s, and it did not come easily. […]


The Del Spiva Experience:

Music editor Del Spiva chuckles when asked how he explains the job of a music editor to the uninitiated. For Spiva, explaining the job can be a Socratic experience; he throws challenges at his questioners until they comprehend the nature of his work. […]


Sundance Report: The Editor as Jack-of-All-Trades

It wasn’t so long ago, it seems, that editors spent most of their time in editing rooms simply editing. Many of us remember the days when we spliced pieces of film together, drew dissolve marks on the celluloid with grease pencil and projected our work picture with only a single audio track for directors, producers and studio executives. […]