‘Broadway’ Playback
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer’s film legacy is its musicals. Perhaps because it was the most politically conservative of the major studios, MGM was more comfortable with melodramas and musicals than with social issues. […]
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer’s film legacy is its musicals. Perhaps because it was the most politically conservative of the major studios, MGM was more comfortable with melodramas and musicals than with social issues. […]
After 40 years, Robert Altman’s satiric tapestry of American society looks more accurate than ever. […]
Forty years ago, Steven Spielberg transformed television narrative with his made-for-TV movie Duel, which aired on ABC in November 1971. […]
This year, as part of its annual selection of fully restored classics, the 72nd International Venice Film Festival presented, along with Federico Fellini’s Amarcord (1973), Akira Kurosawa’s Red Beard (1965) and Sergei Eisenstein’ Alexander Nevsky (1938), among others, Charles Burnett’s To Sleep with Anger (1990) — the most recently made of all the dramatic features chosen. […]
Seventy-five years ago, on August 14, 1940 — back when studios still owned theatres — The Great McGinty, written and directed by Preston Sturges, premiered at the Paramount Theatre in New York’s Times Square. […]
By juxtaposing the four ancient and modern eras, Griffith replicated the synapses of the brain that can connect nonlinear information. […]
‘The Lion in Winter’ is probably one of the few perennially popular films from 1968. […]
Documentarian Robert J. Flaherty was regarded by the poet e.e. cummings as “a god among men,” an opinion echoed by Orson Welles, who compared Flaherty to the poets Walt Whitman and Henry David Thoreau. […]
In 1959, the Nouvelle Vague, or New Wave, revolutionized the concept of film editing and scene construction in international film. […]
Miloš Forman has focused on one theme: How society grinds down the individual and is basically corrupt and hypocritical. […]
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