Web Exclusives

What Our Members Do: Amanda Nelligan

“I read scripts submitted for consideration, providing a synopsis and my analysis of whether they are a good bet for the studio — the pros and cons of premise, character, storyline, dialogue, etc.” […]

Web Exclusives

What Our Members Do: Larry Sexton

“I always loved the challenge of creating emotion, blending photography and telling stories within a single image. With a college degree in photojournalism and art, I started photography freelancing with the Minnesota North Stars (now Dallas Stars) pro hockey team.” […]

Web Exclusives

What Our Members Do: Rick Owens, MPSE

“As a Foley artist creating sound effects on a sound stage, I am responsible for bringing a natural human element to a sound track by re-creating the movements of characters as seen on screen: footsteps, clothes, props, etc.” […]

Web Exclusives

What Our Members Do:
Seth Glennie-Smith

For me, the most exciting part of the job is taking music written by the composer and finding sneaky ways to reintegrate it into different parts of the show. This not only establishes thematic continuity, but also helps speed the process along. […]

Web Exclusives

What Our Members Do: Jeffrey Osmer

My primary job is to identify and “tag” an asset into our tracking system to be able to quickly retrieve that item in the future. We consistently field department requests to retrieve their previously created content. […]